I’m Headed Uphill, I Hope You are Too!

I had conversation with an older friend a few weeks ago and he told me about a recent visit to the doctor.  He is getting up there in years and his doctor made the comment that his body was going downhill.  My friend’s response was one that is worth repeating. He let his doctor know, that it…

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When we Find Ourselves a Little Lost

When we were kids my parents headed to India to serve on a missions trip and left my siblings and I with my aunt and uncle that lived a state away.  We met in Durango, Colorado and then headed to their home outside Steamboat Springs.  They decided we should make it an adventure along the…

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Fear of the Irrational

I have an irrational fear of sharks.  I’ll blame my parents for introducing JAWS at a young age, Ha!  But even as an adult it seems to have followed me into every ocean I have stepped foot into.  Now, even though I know that statistically the chances of being attacked by a shark are roughly…

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Becoming Less of a Procrastinator

I recently picked up a book recommended by a friend called Eat that Frog.  When I first heard the title there were so many pictures that came into my mind about what this book could be about. Some of my initial book content thoughts were: 1. Ethnic Cuisine – 21 ways to cook frogs and enjoy them…

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The Tyranny of Nostalgia

What is Nostalgia? Every generation tends to have a favorite music genre. Even as time passes, they stay forever connected to that one era—for my parents it was the 60s and 70s, for me it was the late 90s, for my kids it’s something more recent. This music isn’t special to us because we objectively…

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Unraveling Ministry Hurts

Recently, I had a conversation with a pastor who was dealing with some frustration in ministry.  He was struggling with his staff, the board and the direction they were headed.  He felt misunderstood.  Our conversation quickly seemed to go from present to past.  How long he had been in ministry, all the different areas he…

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Does Your Ministry Know its Mission?

Have you ever had one of those moments where you completely forgot someone’s name? You can remember all sorts of other things about them, but you can’t remember their name. Recently, I was in a meeting with clients and we were discussing their mission. We were talking about all the things related to mission, but…

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3 Ways to Reignite Your Organization’s Original Vision

Recently, I was consulting with an organization that wanted to change their community by: marriages restored and healthy parent-child connection.  Working through connections with schools and offering free resources: marriage-parenting classes, events and mentorship. However, unforeseen challenges made them lose sight of their vision. We spent time together to get back their original excitement for…

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Revenge Ministry

When you talk to people in ministry, it seems that everybody’s got a story about how they got into it and why this work matters. As someone who appreciates the reason why people do what they do, these conversations are especially intriguing to me. We have found a lot of interesting reasons that people move…

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