the journey to making a difference

requires clarity & focus


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With a simple 5 minute evaluation

What does it mean to have clear focus & direction?  Is your team on the same page as you are?  Does your church congregation know where you are going?  If you are wrestling with the answers to those questions, you aren't alone.  Sometimes where we started and where we are going can get lost in the tasks at hand. But it's hard to continue to make steps in the right direction if the direction isn't clear to everyone.  Time to change that!  Give us the above information and we'll send you the Clarity Checkpoint to begin to evaluate where you are at.


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Sometimes it helps to step outside the box and look at church and ministry from a different vantage point. This content is designed to help you do just that.

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"Our people knew we had a mission, but people didn't really connect to it. They do now and it's awesome."

~ Pastor Steve Engram
Desert Springs Community Church

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