When “Eeyore Syndrome” Creeps into Your Staff

When I was in ministry full-time there were times when I looked around the room at the staff and saw a lot of eeyore’s looking back at me. You remember Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh?  Always the glass is half empty, the 100-Aker Woods token pessimist (where Pooh and his gang live), typically just on…

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Becoming Less of a Procrastinator

I recently picked up a book recommended by a friend called Eat that Frog.  When I first heard the title there were so many pictures that came into my mind about what this book could be about. Some of my initial book content thoughts were: 1. Ethnic Cuisine – 21 ways to cook frogs and enjoy them…

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To Create Curiosity or to Firehose them?

Have you ever poured yourself into a project and felt like someone on the other side just didn’t respond well? This is the conversation I have most often with clients. It can be easy to think when we don’t get a good response, the answer must be to try harder. That can be true…sometimes. But…

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3 Ideas to Consider for Developing Mentors

Volunteer Recruitment - Strongarming VS Inviting (Part 2)

When I got hired to be a Creative Arts Director, I didn’t have any models for that type of ministry. Which meant there was a lot of trial and error on my part. This can be common for anyone stepping into ministry for the first time. I came to realize that I didn’t know much…

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3 Things You Need to Know About people Who Give

Donors are a magical thing in the minds of most non-profits. Because of donors, your organization can accomplish what it needs to…what isn’t magical about that? For many of us, the donor doesn’t just represent money they represent future, growth, opportunity, and movement. The more donors you have in front of you, the more opportunity…

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The changing landscape of generosity

Non-profits seek to change the world for the better, but in order to do the most good, it is important to understand how times have changed and how those changes can spell trouble or success for your cause. In our past consulting, people came to us for a variety of reasons. The specifics may vary,…

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Do you know what motivates your volunteers?

One of the most important aspects of ministry is its volunteers. For organizational leadership, having volunteers is encouraging because it helps in accomplishing the mission. It gives a shared sense of being in ministry together. For a volunteer, it can be equally meaningful because it gives an opportunity for purpose and impact to happen in…

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Ministries Should Think Like Entrepreneurs

At Keenly, my job is to work with ministries.  Big and small, local and international, building churches or educating children in Africa, I have the honor of working with such a variety of kingdom-changing groups. The past few years as I’ve been able to look behind the curtain of these different ministries, I’ve noticed a…

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How to Delegate

My daughter has a giant pair of clippers in her hands. She looks tiny in comparison to the monstrous gardening tool. I can easily imagine it snipping off one of her little fingers. Yet, I don’t feel scared. While she may still be a child, I’ve trusted her more and more as she’s gotten older.…

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