Does Your Ministry Know its Mission?

Have you ever had one of those moments where you completely forgot someone’s name? You can remember all sorts of other things about them, but you can’t remember their name. Recently, I was in a meeting with clients and we were discussing their mission. We were talking about all the things related to mission, but…

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Give a roadmap to the people you lead

I am an idea person. I see the world through the lens of possibilities. It can be called different things: dreamer, visionary, even imagineer.  The way I view people, organizations, and opportunities all revolves around the potential to do something better. Problems are simply challenges to that can be overcome. Even as a young kid,…

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3 Ways to Reignite Your Organization’s Original Vision

Recently, I was consulting with an organization that wanted to change their community by: marriages restored and healthy parent-child connection.  Working through connections with schools and offering free resources: marriage-parenting classes, events and mentorship. However, unforeseen challenges made them lose sight of their vision. We spent time together to get back their original excitement for…

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Audience Persona Exercise

Terry freezes, locking his eyes on a hawk yards away that sits on a tree branch. He grips the camera hanging from his neck and brings it up to his eye, aiming for the perfect shot. He needs another lens, but he sees the hawk jerk his head towards the opposite direction. The bird’s about…

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Marketing Masks & Ninja Assassins

Masks Blog

I get a kick out of the things people dress up like for Halloween. How one personality transforms into another for a day of fun. Take my niece for example, a mild mannered, sweet little first grader who transforms into a dangerous masked ninja assassin. I can’t barely even recognize her in her Halloween costume.…

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